April Showers plus 2 FREE Floral Prints

As I pulled out of the driveway this morning in the pouring rain I had two thoughts.
 #1 I wish I'd bought the darling frog raincoat and boots I saw on sale this week for my three year old.  

Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda....


#2 April Showers bring May Flowers.

"May Flowers" is a happy thought indeed! I already have a few daffodils popping up and I can't wait for my tulips to follow. Now I don't mind a rainy day every now and then, but this week I just needed something to help get me through. So I picked up my brushes and opened up my gouaches for the first time in too long. Nothing is more relaxing for me that painting flowers and blooms and leaves.

 I love how these violet flowers turned out just like the "little purple pansies" from my Grandmother's garden.

This floral wreath was also so relaxing to create. Now that I've framed it I can write on the glass with a dry erase marker and use it as a count down calendar! On rainy days it is good to remember summer and all the fun things there are to look forward to.

Spring is such a good time for growing! The plants are coming back to life and everything is greening up and growing. I'm growing too. My New Year's Resolutions are not just for January and half way through February. This makes spring a great time to grow and reach for those things I really want to achieve this year. So I grow. I grow when I 

and maybe most importantly

So I got to thinking that maybe others could use some inspiration to get them up and going this week.  So I've made these two floral prints available for you to download for FREE here :

After you print it as an 8 1/2 x 11 you can trim it to fit an 8x10 frame by cutting off a 1/2 inch from the bottom and either side.
Then using a dry erase marker you can write a word or message that inspires you on the glass.

Hope your day is beautiful and productive! (Even if it's rainy!)
This would make a great Mother's Day gift!!
