5 Spring Flowers & Fonts to Doodle

So it snowed last week. BUT, this week is turning out to be A-Ma-Zing! So with Spring on my mind my notes and doodles have taken on a more flowery nature. After the kids go to bed the hubs and I sit down and turn on Netflix or YouTube most nights. Often I work on custom portrait orders during that time, 

but sometimes I just pull out my favorite pens, partially recline my worn leather chair by the fireplace and start doodling.
Lovey -Dovey sketches from last February

Now I've been a doodler for as long as I can remember, but I found at a young age, a good way to get started was to find something I liked and then copy it. Yes, copy it. When I went to figure drawing classes in college, the very best way I found to improve was to sit next to the best kid in class, and copy him. (No, that's not cheating!) It's actually a great way to learn. I'd look at how the light would cast a shadow on the models arm, and then I'd look to see how my neighbor interpreted it and applied what he saw to the paper. He was a genius! Over time, I learned to "see", and was able to do more and more on my own until, gasp, one day newer students were sitting by me to learn.

Now, these spring doodles are no masterpieces, but they are whimsical and fun. Start by copying, and then as you learn to "see" everything else will just come naturally. The skies the limit! Don't worry about mistakes, my sketch book is full of them. Just let yourself go and take a chance!

Spring Fonts

Spring Flowers

What other flowers would you like to see?


  1. Hi, Karin, This is Emily, your cousin in Sun Prairie. My sister Heidi told me about your cute and amazing art and website and I just want to say, it is awesome! I love your art of people and families. Also, my 10 year old daughter also loves to doodle so I showed her this post and she is having so much fun with your tutorial and encouragement! Thank you!


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